Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Month of Thankfulness #6: My Best Friends

I'm sorry I haven't been writing more about the things that I've been thankful for. It's been a long month, but thanks to a good friend I was reminded that I'm so very thankful for all of my close friends.

We all have our acquaintances, the people that we enjoy seeing but we really aren't close to. Then we have friends, folks that we call from time to time and have a general understand about their lives. THEN you have your best friends. Friends that you are closer to than family at times, and can not see for months or years, but when you're together it's like no time has passed. That's who I'm talking about.

I like to think that I have a love/hate relationship with these friends, in that they are the people that can tell it like it is, and have no problem if you're ever mad at them, since they're there to make sure you're being your best. 

I have a lot of close friends. I'm thankful for just how many people I care about and care about me in turn. Each one of them is special to me in their own way, and each one makes me happy that they've allowed me to call them friend. 


Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Month of Thankfulness #5: Veterans

This one was pretty obvious today, but I think we can all be thankful for what the veterans have done for us.

I know that I could never do what a lot of people around us do. I'm just not the type of person that could actually go and fight for our country in the manner that so many selfless people have done.To defend our country from the many threats both around the world and in our backyards takes a special kind of strength and determination that we could all learn from.

Unfortunately, we as Americans don't treat our vets as well as we could. Sure, we'll tip our hat when we see them or buy them a beer at a bar, but a lot of vets have come back with health issues or come back to nothing and have ended up on the streets. A lot more of the homeless than we realize have gone to war for us, and we do nothing but turn our heads when we see them. So I think for this Veterans Day we not only thank them for their service, but take a look through the link below for a veterans charity that you can donate to.

Happy Veteran's Day everyone!


Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Month of Thankfulness #4: Tina Parker

Blizzcon and being sick really did a number on me sending these out, but this one was special so I wanted to make sure I got it in today.

Tina Parker has been in my life all through my twenties and has really been a rock throughout. She's been a friend, a mom, a HR rep, a mentor, and everything in between. She's one of the only people I can come to for anything and I know that I can come home and be safe.

Tina is family, and I'm thankful everyday that I have her in my life. Happy belated birthday Tina.


Thursday, November 5, 2015

Post 3 Obsidian Entertainment

So yes, I no longer work at Obsidian Entertainment, but that's not the point. I spent over 8 years of my life working with some of the finest game developers I know. Most of my close friends are still people that I met on my first day there (read: Brandon Adler/Tina Parker/etc).

I would say that everything that I know about games came from the experiences that I had there, from QA, to Motion Capture, to travelling the world, to how to be an actual good producer.

I loved every single game that I worked on there (even if some of you didn't!) and I'm thankful everyday that I had the chance to be a part of a place that is truly special.


Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Post 2 Aunt Christine

A lot of you might not have ever met her, but she secretly influenced your life more than you know. Mostly because she's the only reason why I actually moved down to Orange County.

My aunt was one of the greatest people I have ever known. She defined what it meant to be a strong woman and it was her strength that taught me the correct way to treat women.

She was the hardest worker I know, never giving up our settling for anything less than great. I would feel like shit if/when she gave me that look if I ever allowed "average" to enter my vocabulary.

Her family was everything to her, and she was the glue that kept us all together. She will be missed, but I'm damn thankful I had her as an example of how to be you're best self.


Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Month of Thankfulness Post #1: My Mother

I thought that I would start out my Month of Thankfulness by talking about the one person that I'm MOST thankful for, Monica Nelson, my mother.

My mom has always been my biggest supporter, my best friend, and the only person I know I can talk to about anything. She listens, don't push, and has always allowed me to make my own decisions in life. I've never been mad at my mom, and I never did the "teenager stage" with her. Instead, my mom simply saying she's disappointed in me would be the push I needed to do better.

I'm bummed that my mom doesn't live down here, as I could really use her wisdom, but I'm DAMN happy and incredibly thankful that she is simply one call away.

MonthofThankfulness #1: My Mom